Dungeon Crusher Wikia
Dungeon Crusher Wikia
WIP Note: This is Work in Progress

World Map — special map that helps you navigate through levels, caves, PvP and other places of interest while playing Dungeon Crusher.

Levels and Bosses[]

Name # Description
World Map
World map all
Basic information about world map
Caves UI
World map caves ui
Cave selection window
World map events notif
Markers that notifies player about available Caves, Daily Bosses and PvP.


During your playthrough you can engage different kinds of caves. Those caves can be of the following types:

Name Marker Description
Scripted Plot Caves
World map marker
There is several scripted caves with special reward, like Burning Flame Axe artifact.
Artifact Caves
World map artifact cave
Special cave where Artifact is the reward for completion.
Artifact Upgrade Caves
World map artifact cave
Cave where you can find an upgrade for one of your Cave Artifact.
Gold Caves
World map gold cave
Cave with single Boss. You recieve solid amount of gold for killing that Boss.
Magic Bottles Cave
World map bottles cave
Special cave with Magic Bottles in reward.

Note: Gold and Magic Bottles Caves stop appearing after around level 1500.


Mines first unlock around level 37. You must send 4 heroes on a mine mission, these will be unavailable for the duration of the mission, but you will get Emerlands / Green Shards as a reward on completion.
At the level 1500, new mines are available each 250 levels with timer 60H, the reward increase by 5 emeraldemeralds each 4 mines. After lvl 4000 and on every 1000 levels, the mines are with set reward of 500 emeraldemerald for 192H.

Mine no Unlocks at Duration Reward
1 level 35 1 hour 1
2 level 125 4 hours 2
3 level 175 4 hours 2
4 level 250 8 hours 3
5 level 350 12 hours 5
6 level 450 12 hours 5
7 level 600 36 hours 15
8 level 700 36 hours 15
9 level 800 48 hours 20
10 level 900 48 hours 20
11 level 1000 60 hours 25
12 level 1250 60 hours 25
13 level 1500 60 hours 30
14 level 1750 60 hours 30

Daily Bosses[]

World map dailyboss notif

Every day player can attack Daily Boss to get special reward — Rarity upgrade for one of the heroes. You can find notification about new Daily Boss in the World Map.


World map pvp marker

During journey through level player may engage other players who play Dungeon Crusher. In that case player will be promted to enter PvP mode.
